CD’s & DVD’s

Jim Greiner’s Rhythm Power® Series CD’s & DVD’s

New products are in the works… Contact Jim to receive email updates!


Play Shekere DVD: Fun & easy lessons on one of Jim’s
favorite hand percussion instruments!
80-minutes of instruction in 18 lessons
individually accessed through the main menu.
Includes four, 10-minute audio loops to practice to!

Click here for more details, a video sample,
and ordering information.


Tuned Meditation Chimes CD:
Create a calming soundscape for your home,
garden, workplace, meditation practice, massages,
Yoga groups & ceremonial gatherings.

Available as a CD package and a digital download.
Two tracks: ​
​Track 1: 50 minutes – long relaxation &
meditation sessions.
​Track 2: 5 minutes – short, timed relaxation &
meditation sessions.

​​Click Here for more details, an audio sample,
and ordering information.

Play-Along Audio CD’s: Practice Your Favorite Instrument While Internalizing A Solid Groove!  Click Here For Audio Samples & Ordering Information:

Play-Along-CD-1-Front-New-1024x1024 CD #2 Front Large

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