You are browsing the archive for Bongo lessons in Santa Cruz.

Flow And Groove

One of the participants in a recent corporate team building rhythm session that I conducted in San Diego remarked that he was moved to re-read the book, Flow, because i included that concept in the session.  That inspired me to re-read parts of it again, myself! I enthusiastically recommend psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly’s ground-breaking book, Flow, […]

The Four P’s Of Practice

Practice is both a verb, to practice a skill (a musical instrument, for example), and a noun, a life-practice (such as Yoga, Meditation, Music, etc.) that reinforces positive Life Rhythms… beneficial patterns of Attitude and Action.  We reinforce both through repetition.  Of course, we want to make sure that we’re repeating the things we want to […]

5 Ways Drumming Can Reinforce Positive Life Rhythms


Our lives are an intricate series of intertwining rhythms.  We have internal rhythms such as the pulsing of our heartbeat, the cycles of our breathing, the rhythmic firing of our neurons, the muscle memories that we’ve reinforced through repeating physical actions, and even the patterns of our thoughts.  Our external rhythms include our habits, whether productive […]